Back in the late 90's and early 00's I wrote short stories. A couple of them even appeared in literary journals. Partly through laziness--writing is hard work!--and partly through discouragement--I enjoy rejection as much as the next fellow, but how much is too much?--the enterprise eventually ground to a halt.
I began writing again about six months ago. At first I rewrote and polished some older stories--some of them were pretty bad- and then I began some new things.
I started sending things out, too. The whole fiction landscape has changed in the last few years. No longer does one print and mail a copy of a story off to a literary magazine and wait months until a graduate student replies with either a form rejection or a semi-personalized one or, if you're lucky, a personal one that says, basically, this story sucks, but do try us again. Now, submissions are almost entirely electronic, there are lots of web sites featuring short fiction, and the folks running them are writers too.
Recently, stories of mine have been accepted by two publications. PANK #5 will publish a story called Tornado Season and Dark Sky Magazine has accepted a piece called By the Dawn's Early Light. Stay tuned....
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